About Us
A New High-end Market Segment
Nortuna is in a unique position to be the first actor on a worldwide basis offering farmed ABFT in the marked. By doing this, the Company will be an enabler for developing a whole new high-end market sustainable segment within the Aquaculture business world wide.
Based on Proof of Concept already demonstrated through our repeated successful farming of ABFT in the Mediterranean, we have demonstrated our technology and methods to produce ABFT from eggs to 35kg fish several times in R&D facilities in the Mediterranean. Methods developed over a period of more than 12 years forms basis for the ongoing commercial pilot established in Cabo Verde.
With an eye towards future development, Nortuna is actively planning further investment opportunities within production of ABFT, Esmoregal and other interesting highly valued local species. Given its valuable characteristics, Esmoregal, in addition to ABFT stands at the forefront of this strategic plan, potentially becoming a cornerstone species in sustainable marine cultivation on Cabo Cabo Verde.
Esmoregal, a species renowned for its robust growth and efficiency in feed utilization thrives in the waters of Cabo Verde . Its remarkable ability to repeatedly spawn throughout most of the year positions it as a species of considerable interest for local aquaculture ventures. Nortuna, a pioneer in the industry, has identified Esmoregal as a promising candidate for commercial sea farming in Cabo Verde.
The work to establish methods for farming of ABFT was started in 2011 by personnel with extensive piloting experience from Cod- and Halibut sea-farming. The company has developed our methods for commercial sea-farming of ABFT, based on an R&D cooperation with SINTEF Ocean since 2011.
The Combination of high growth rate and high market price for Atlantic Bluefin Tuna makes it the potential “holy grail” in the fish farming business. Nortuna has the pole position to conquer the market with sustainable produced ABFT that can be served super-fresh airborne to restaurants in Europe, Africa, Asia, North America and South America.
Our farming methods and technology enables a significantly more sustainable production of ABFT with far less marine proteins used than wild-caught or sea-farmed fish, and thanks to our feeding regime our ABFT can be produced without any of the accumulated heavy metals normally seen in wild-caught or sea-ranched fish.
This fact makes our ABFT safe to eat even for pregnant women and children. Sea-farming of ABFT will also act as a relief on the load on the wild stock caused by conventional commercial fisheries. Therefore, we believe Nortuna can open and access new sustainability-conscious markets in addition to compete on the existing playground for the “king of sushi”.